Monday, April 11, 2011

Just a little post to pass the time

We had a really nice day today. We slept in a little because Gage stayed up a bit late last night. He ate breakfast, took a nap, and then we were off to lunch with Brian's dad. We all had a blast and Gage ate all of his beans, some rice, most of a quesadilla, and half of a sopapilla! Hungry growing boy.

He napped in the car on the way home for approximately 10 minutes, but after that he refused all naps at home. By the time Brian got home,  Gage was full of cranky, bellowing energy! Brian suggested we all walk to the park, and we did. It was quite a fun time; Gage got to swing and go down the slide, Chevy got to wander around and bark a lot. I got some good pictures of Gage on the playground too.

Speaking of pictures, this upcoming Sunday we're scheduled to do photos with Ben Ricard. We're looking to do some outdoors, family-type pics. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I know we'll get some good ones!

I'm still trying to figure out our next step with sleep training. Guess I'm going to have to sleep in a turtleneck in order to wean Gage from night feeding. I know somewhere in this we're making progress, I just don't know how to proceed. It is really difficult! Never, never, never start co-sleeping. Take my advice. The biggest hurdle is his dependence on me for everything sleep. And that will be the hardest to break. But he is just gonna have to learn to fall asleep without BFing or cuddling all night long. He wakes up the second I lay him in his crib. We'll just keep pluggin' away!


  1. Hey girl! You're lucky that Gage sleeps in after he stays up late... my kids tend to do the opposite and wake up EARLIER when they're tired. *sigh*.

  2. Erin, I've heard that! He seems to be more of the rare night owl sort of baby. But I know where he gets it! ~S
