Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rocky Mountain Health Plan managed to screw us again

We got notification from them in the mail yesterday that they weren't going to cover Gage's well child check up even though he did have their coverage at the time. I guess since they credited back his totally exorbitant premium they figured they wouldn't cover one little, under $200 charge.

I can tell you this much - I would've probably taken my telling everyone I know in Colorado to avoid RMHP like the plague down a notch if they'd covered his well-child check. But now, I loathe them even more. They're everything bad about the insurance industry. All I wanted was TWO months of coverage for my healthy child for a reasonable premium. Not a ridiculous premium that was never disclosed before they took it straight out of our bank account.

So I'll say it again. If you're in the market for health insurance in CO, run, don't walk, away from Rocky Mountain Health Plan. They will lure you with the promise of low rates then raise them as soon as you've signed up for coverage. They're a slimy, predatory company. Stay away!


  1. No one deserves to have to deal with health insurance companies. I wouldn't wish the experience on my worst enemy.

  2. Wow, I can't believe they've done all of that ridiculous crap to you guys! I know I will be helping spread the word that they are a terrible company to work with. It is crazy all of the hoops they make you jump through just to make you pay almost as much as you would without the insurance!

  3. More, even, Cara, than we would have paid without insurance! Gage's well child visit would have cost us less than what they charged! Especially because we'd have gotten 25% off if we had paid out of pocket. Ugh. Jerks!
