Monday, June 20, 2011

Cry-it-out, night 7... I really hoped it would be better by now.

Seriously, I did. I really hoped that by tonight, which marks one week from our first night, that Gage would have taken to this better than he has. Instead, he got to bed at 8:30 PM, (I know, I know, we altered his routine a bit, but seriously?) Now he is screaming his head off 15 minutes later with no signs of calming down. He even had a bath tonight, right before bed, which I thought would calm his nicely. Apparently I was wrong. He is screaming like he has no hope left in the world.

Gage had kind of a big day today. He woke up at 6:00 AM, and wouldn't lay back down to sleep with me. So he was awake all morning, after only 8 hours of solid sleep, and who knows how good that was. Then we had lunch with Brian's dad, so his nap was delayed, and OH MY GOSH he was cranky. He didn't want to sit in his high chair for about 15 minutes after we arrived. I held him on my lap and finally he decided it was ok to sit in his own chair. He didn't fall asleep after we got home for a nap until 3:20, so he only got to nap for about an hour to avoid having a super late nap.

Today was totally off schedule, but he's had days like this before this last week and not done SO badly. He has his sleep frog, his Gee, and his blanket. His soft womb music is playing. But he is not in the mood for sleeping, I guess. This is breaking my heart, I feel like a little bit of me is being ripped out.

I know it's the right thing, but it feels all wrong. And I hate feeling like I'm not doing right by my little guy.
Speaking of not doing right, please forgive my grammar over the past few days. The sleep training is really taking its toll on me. I'm averaging around 4-5 hours of sleep a night, give or take. It is hard for me to edit myself right now, let alone type cohesively. I know that I have made some posts that haven't flowed as well as they could have, and I'm sorry for giving you word jumble. Bear with me... hopefully in the next week or two, I'll return you to your regularly scheduled coherent blog posts. Update: he crashed around 9:20-9:30 after screaming for nearly an hour. When I checked on him, I discovered that he is sleeping in a crumpled heap which is so sad. He has been asleep since then; it is 10:45 now.


  1. Oh no... sleep training! I know it's coming again in my future!! I'm so sorry... but trust me, it'll be SO worth it when your little guys sleeps through the night.

  2. Thanks for the encouragemet, Erin! We really look forward to that magical night when he sleeps through, comfortably!
